The Parish Pastoral Council
The Council is a sounding board for various parish organizations and advises the Pastor and his staff on parish priorities, activities, vision, and long-term planning. The Council meets on the third Thursday of each month, except in July and August.
2021-2022 Council Members
Lisa Troiano, Chairperson
Heath Bending, Lynn Marie Busch, Bill Dichtl, Fred Dutton, Linda Perry, Dave Shuster, Martha Silva Stefanka, Lori Stevenson, Kathleen Whitt.
St. Mary Finance Council
advises the pastor on matters related to the financial and administrative affairs of the parish. They assist the pastor with planning and administering financial matters and in setting policy and procedure that will bring about effective management of parish assets. A Finance Council is mandated by the Code of Canon Law, par 537. Meetings are scheduled quarterly. Contact Bill Your 740-389-3277.
Cemetery Board
is dedicated to making St. Mary Cemetery a place of beauty and peace for our loved ones as well as make sure the cemetery and the grounds are maintained, kept neat and well groomed. Ongoing problem solving includes replacing fences, tree trimming and removal, road paving, flooding, resetting grave stones, updating the rules and regulations regarding plantings, stone designs, etc. Any suggestions and ideas are helpful. We encourage all parishioners to make a donation to the St. Mary Cemetery maintenance fund as the funds are used wisely for regular maintenance.
Bereavement Committee
helps grieving members of our community prepare the funeral liturgy and plans an annual Memorial Mass to pray for deceased parishioners and their relatives.
Hospitality Committee
finds ways to make the parish more welcoming to newcomers, visitors, and parishioners. The most noticeable activity is Hospitality Sunday where coffee and donuts are served after each of the masses. Different organizations within the parish are scheduled to serve as “host” for their weekend. Contact the parish office.
F.I.A.T. (Faith in Action Together)
is named after Mary’s fiat – her yes to God’s call. St Mary FiAT group is ready to support God’s call to our parish in all ways. F.I.A.T. meets monthly in prayerful community and takes that prayer and community into action to serve the people of the parish and beyond. F.I.A.T. has served by hosting speakers, fundraisers, providing spiritual material for parishioners, initiating community-building events, and participating in ecumenical concerns for the poor to name a few. F.I.A.T. is ready to take their Faith In Action Together.
Telephone Prayer Line
provides intercessory prayers for people who are ill or in need of prayer of any kind. Call the Parish office at 740-382-2118.
Parish-Related Organizations
Knights of Columbus
is a fraternal insurance organization that provides for widows and children of deceased members. It is active throughout the entire Marion County where assistance is needed and helps support St. Mary Catholic School and athletic programs. Catholic men over the age 18 are eligible to join the K of C. For more information call Art Clouse at 740-360-4531.